11 September 2006

Wowsers, I havent updated in 2 months?!

I suck.

In any case, the summer has absolutely flown by. Matt & I are pretty settled into the new apartment. We're slowly building a list of things we'd like to eventually purchase including, but not limited to: a new plasma/LCD TV (I don't really know the difference) by December 2007, a new, larger bed, and a new couch (as the one we currenly have is barely considered a loveseat). We have added a new foosball table into the apartment (thanks Ben!). I continue to stink at it, but will try and get better so Matt has some competition to play against.

One great thing about the summer nearing an end - It's football season!! As terrible as Illinois is, heading down to Champaign to tailgate is still one of my favorite things to do in the fall. Our first game was a night game vs. Easten Illinois - started tailgating around noon for a 6PM kickoff. Normally that'd spell disaster, but I did a pretty good job at drinking in moderation. Ended up going out to a couple of bars in the Paign. I miss that place.

Hmm, what else is new with me? I've put off school for one semester. This is mainly due to my own procrastination and poor planning. I'm planning on starting my masters in elementary education in January 2007, most likely taking weeknight classes in the Loop. If I stay on track, I'd finish in 2009, which seems like an awfully long time from now.

My 10 year high school reunion is the Friday after Thanksgiving in the Rock. I'm making a point to get smashed before heading to it. . . and I'm only going if Stephanie & Megan go as well. Hopefully the Homewoods will open their house up to all of us just like back in the day!

After months of complaining about myself, I've started working out again. I'm back to my old stomping grounds at Curves. I mean, I live roughly 100 steps from the place, and apparently I never cancelled my membership (d'oh!), so I figured I'd give it another shot. It worked before, at least in that I lost 20 pounds & some inches.... I'm hoping to do the same this time, if not more. Wish me luck! (I need all the help I can get!).

I think that's it for now. DA BEARS beat the Pack yesterday, life is good.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good luck with all the new stuff for the apartment. We put off buying a lot of that because that's what wedding registries are for. ;) Also good luck with the weight loss, I need to get back on that, too.