23 July 2007

Final health update for a while

So I went to the specialist (OBGYN) last Thursday for a follow-up visit to my stint in the ER.

All went well, and from the exams given, everything seemed normal to the doctor. I have to get another ultrasound in 6-8 weeks to make sure everything is cleared up & to make sure I don't have anything else going on down there. I've got 2 weeks for results of the lab tests taken while I was at the doctor. I'll hear back in the mail (if the test shows nothing) or on the phone (if it's something serious). Let's hope for some mail!

I'm feeling better, which isn't saying much, as I don't think I've been in as much pain since my last knee accident/injury in 2002. I played softball yesterday without pain, so I'm well on my way to being back to normal.

Thanks for all the well wishes and notes, it's appreciated. :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. My mom had ovarian cysts when she was young and they sound awful. Hope you continue to feel better!