03 March 2008


March is quite possibly my favorite month of the year.

Today is Matt's 29th birthday. We went out to Tango Sur on Saturday night to celebrate. What a dumb idea. I mean, we knew it'd be a long wait for a table (they don't take reservations for parties less than 6), but we expected it to be closer to an hour or hour and a half. When the guy taking names told us it'd be 2 hours, we decided to head to a local bar we rarely have the chance to visit anymore, because it's "too far" (it's probably 8 blocks away, but there are probably 12 bars closer). So we headed to Gingers, asked the bartender if they minded keeping our 6-pack cold in the cooler, and had a couple of drinks. We finally ended up being seated, a mere 2 hours and 20 minutes later, and the wait was well worth it. I freaking love that place. Plus, it provided leftovers for lunch on Sunday. (After all of it though, it would have made more sense to go tonight, when the wait would likely be less than 30 minutes, if any at all). Dummies.

Our plans for Europe are shaping up quite nicely. We will be spending 5 nights in Paris and then taking the Chunnel up to London & spending 2 nights there. Matt's work is footing the bill for the hotel in Paris for the 5 nights, so it made paying the cost of my flight a little more reasonable (much thanks to my dad for giving me my 30th birthday gift early!). Matt lived and worked in London for roughly 8 months, so we'll be visiting his old pub & he'll be my tour guide for our time there.

Before heading to Europe though, I had already planned on going to Vegas for my 30th birthday - so, we're headed there a few weeks before my 30th - on March 19th - for the first weekend of the NCAA tournament. As sad as it sounds, I'm a little relieved that I wont have to be glued to every game, thanks to Illinois being completely awful this year, I wont need to worry about them even being in any sort of post-season tournament.

In other news, our office moved to a new location, so that had taken up a lot of my time recently (hello, overtime!)... I'm trying to convince myself that Steve wont hate us after we board him for roughly 3 weeks due to our traveling... :(

That's about it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. It sounds like a really fun trip. Both trips actually. :) I'll be anxious to see all the pics. And, oh yeah, belated happy birthday to Matt.