23 February 2009

Training - Day 1

To be fair, I haven't really started training, beyond packing my clothes for Curves. But, I will say that I woke up somewhat excited to get it started again. This is definitely an oddity for me. Typically, even the idea of packing a gym bag puts me in a bad mood.

I think I'm also looking forward to going to Curves tonight because the woman who runs it has called me twice over the past month, asking where I've been and encouraging me to come. She sympathized, "I know, it's tough when it's so cold. No one wants to walk to workout" - if only she knew, I live virtually across the street from Curves.

I've also started keeping a log of what I consume. I'm currently limiting myself to 1800 calories a a day. I've used this metric in the past and I've had success with it, so I'm hoping I'll have similar outcomes this time.

I think having an attainable and tangible goal (finishing the 3 Day/60-mile walk) is a definite motivator this time around. It's been tough for me to work out for the sake of working out. Seems really silly as I'm writing it, but working out and eating right is a lifestyle change. It's one that needs to be kept up, and is difficult.

Here's to hoping I feel as good as I do this morning at the end of week 1 of training.


Megan said...

good luck! it's not silly to say it is a lifestyle change...it IS a lifestyle change. but I'm sure you'll do great!

Amber said...

No, I mean, it's silly to not think it's a lifestyle change. I was making fun of how naive I can be sometimes.