29 May 2009

Friday night in Chicago

I spent the night in tonight. Matt is in Wisconsin with his dad, and I had homework to do. I decided I would also do a load of laundry while doing homework (mostly as a part of my procrastination - after fixing and rehanging a mirror and trying on different dresses for an upcoming wedding), but I digress.

As I walked through the alley to get to the laundry room door of my building (yes, I have to go outside) I noticed someone laying behind a couple of garbage cans. He moved a little and woke up when I walked by, looking a bit startled.

I decided to walk back into the apartment using the front door. Not because I was afraid of the guy, but because I wanted him to not feel threatened by someone walking by.

As I returned to homework, I sit at a desk in front of a window. The window faces the alley. I stood up and tried to see if I could see him from where I was sitting. I couldn't. But I also couldn't stop thinking about him. I decided when I walked back down to change my laundry over to the dryer I'd bring him something to eat and drink.

I found a Lean Cuisine chicken sandwich in the freezer, so I decided that'd be quick to make, even if it didn't taste the best. I made it, wrapped it in aluminum foil, grabbed a can of Old Style, and headed down through the alley.

The man was no longer there. I left the sandwich and the beer where he was, though, in case he came back. Or in case anyone came by needing a meal or a beer.

It really sucks that people have to sleep in alleys. It sucks that they don't feel safe, even if others are more afraid of them. I need to do something to help, more than just leaving a sandwich or buying a stranger with a sign a meal.

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