30 March 2009

Ok, seriously

I went to the new Curves tonight. Part of starting at a new Curves involves getting measured, weighed, body fat taken, etc. Good lord. I didn't look closely enough at all of the measurements, but the body fat/scale dealiebob was quite an experience.

It involved standing barefoot on a couple of metal footprints, while you waited for something to spit out with your weight and body fat percentage. While I'm not at my heaviest, I'm certainly close. It's downright disgusting and something needs to be done about it.

The new Curves location isn't really all that convenient, but it's what I have and I need to suck it up.

And I need the weather to warm up al-freakin-ready!

/end rant.


David said...

Warmer weather will definitely help with motivation. At least I hope so. I blame my new job (not as many places to walk), and Brittany leaving (too much sitting around being sad) on my recent weight gain. I am definitely at my highest weight ever.

Amber said...

David, I hope you're right. I really have a hard time staying inside when it's nice outside. That, coupled with the need to do training walks should be the motivation I need. I haven't gone so far as to take and hang a picture of myself in a bathing suit yet, but if it comes down to it, I may end up doing that.

I need another Biggest Loser competition with people! :)