17 March 2009

The weather outside is not frightful

What a gorgeous morning. I walked outside to weather in the 50s. This probably sounds cold to those of you in warmer weather, but it's awesome for those of us who've been wearing winter coats, scarves and hats for 4 1/2 months. Temps are supposed to reach 70 today, which is downright perfect. Unfortunately for me, I have homework to finish up by tomorrow evening, and that means I'm doing it tonight and tomorrow evening.

I may sneak out with Matt for some corned beef (hold the cabbage) for dinner. It'd be a travesty to skip out on one, right?

Last night, we had a team meeting for our 3 Day Walk to talk about different fundraising ideas. I don't think much was accomplished at the meeting (besides eating delicious salsa from Trader Joes) and we could have easily used email or facebook to discuss ideas as we did last night. I'm appreciative that Jen had people over for the meeting, I just didn't have the time to set aside for it, and should have declined. On the bright side, I walked to and from her place and got in a 3-mile walk (since I'll be missing at least one this week).

Happy St Patrick's Day!

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